About us

We are a multi-award-winning community of non-profit Play Libraries on a shared mission to empower every parent to support and nurture the early development of their child through powerful, purposeful play together at home, where it matters most.


Why do we exist?

Our first few years of life lay the foundation for the adults we become, it’s when we develop our most fundamental building blocks. 85% of our brains were formed by the age of 5 and we never learn more, or faster, than over this time. And yet the early years remains undervalued as a developmental stage and under-funded as a sector.

Playful moments, positive interactions and a loving connection are the materials our brains need to grow and great family play is one of the most powerful tools in the box. However, for many parents, the opportunity to learn how and why to parent in this playful way is neither accessible or affordable. We want to change this.